Monday 15 December 2014

Prayer is not flight, prayer is power.
Prayer does not deliver a man from some
terrible situation; prayer enables a man
to face and to master the situation. –
William Barclay

Thursday 4 December 2014

invest in people

"True leaders don't invest in buildings. Jesus
never built a building. They invest in people.
Why? Because success without a successor is
failure. So your legacy should not be in
buildings, programs, or projects, your legacy
must be in people," said Munroe.

Saturday 29 November 2014

10 forgotten points during hard times

That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
–Friedrich Nietzsche
The wisest, most loving, and well rounded people
you have ever met are likely those who have
known misery, known defeat, known the heartbreak
of losing something or someone they loved, and
have found their way out of the depths of their
own despair. These people have experienced many
ups and downs, and have gained an appreciation, a
sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills
them with compassion, understanding and a deep
loving wisdom. People like this aren’t born; they
develop slowly over the course of time.
Truth be told, when hard times hit, and the
challenges you face are great, you can either let
your situation define you, let it destroy you or let it
strengthen you. The choice is yours to make.
In today’s article I want to remind you of a few
powerful, yet easily forgotten truths that will help
you choose wisely and grow stronger even through
the hardest times…
1. Pain is part of life and love, and it helps you
So many of us are afraid of ourselves, of our own
truth, and our feelings most of all. We talk about
how great the concepts of life and love are, but
then we hide from both every day. We hide from
our truest feelings. Because the truth is life and
love hurt sometimes, and the feelings this brings
disturbs us.
We are taught at an early age that all pain is evil
and harmful. Yet, how can we ever deal with real
life and true love if we’re afraid to feel what we
really feel? We need to feel pain, just as we need
to feel alive and loved. Pain is meant to wake us
up. Yet we try to hide our pain. Realize this. Pain
is something to carry willingly, just like good
sense. Because you can only learn how strong you
are when being strong is the only choice you have.
It’s all in how you carry the things that don’t go
your way. That’s what matters in the end. Pain is
a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you – your
own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide
them, you’re letting the lies of insecurity destroy
your reality. You should stand up for your right to
feel pain – to endure it – to own your scars – to
deal with the realities of life and love, as you grow
into the strongest, wisest, truest version of
2. Mindset is half the battle.
It’s okay to have down days and tough times.
Expecting life to be wonderful all the time is
wanting to swim in an ocean in which waves only
rise up and never come crashing down. However,
when you recognize that the rising and crashing
waves are part of the exact same ocean, you are
able to let go and be at peace with the reality of
these ups and downs. It becomes clear that life’s
ups require life’s downs.
In other words, life isn’t perfect, but it sure is
good. Our goal shouldn’t be to create a perfect life,
but to live an imperfect life in radical amazement.
To get up every morning and take a good look
around in a way that takes nothing for granted.
Everything is extraordinary. Every day is a gift.
Never treat life casually. To be spiritual in any way
is to be amazed in every way.
Do not let the pain of a situation make you
hopeless. Do not let negativity wear off on you. Do
not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Even
though others may disagree with you, take pride in
the fact that you still know the world to be a
beautiful place. Change your thoughts and you
change your reality.
And mindset is especially powerful when it comes
to accepting that…
3. Your biggest fears don’t really exist.
When times are hard it can be difficult to follow
your heart and take another step, but it’s a tragedy
to let the lies of fear stop you. Although fear can
feel overwhelming, and defeats more people than
any other force in the world, it’s not as powerful
as it seems. Fear is only as deep as your mind
allows. You are still in control. So take control!
The key is to acknowledge your fear and directly
address it. Fight hard to shine the light of your
words upon it. Because if you don’t, if your fear
becomes a wordless, obscure darkness that you
avoid, and perhaps even manage to briefly forget,
you open yourself to future attacks from fear when
you least expect it. Because you never truly faced
the opponent who defeated you.
You CAN beat fear if you face it. Be courageous!
And remember that courage doesn’t mean you
don’t get afraid; courage means you don’t let fear
stop you from moving forward with your life.
(Angel and I discuss this in more detail in the
“Adversity” chapter of 1,000 Little Things Happy,
Successful People Do Differently.)
4. You are growing through experience.
Over time you will find that life isn’t necessarily
any easier or harder than you thought it was going
to be; it’s just that the easy and the hard aren’t
exactly the way you had anticipated, and don’t
always occur when you expect them to. This isn’t
a bad thing; it makes life interesting. With a
positive attitude you will always be pleasantly
When you stop expecting things to be a certain
way, you can appreciate them for what they are.
Ultimately you will realize that life’s greatest gifts
are rarely wrapped the way you expected.
Experience is what you get when your plans don’t
go as planned, and experience is the most valuable
commodity you own – it builds your strength.
You have the power to turn your wounds and
worries into wisdom; you just have to do
something about them. You have to accept what
has happened and use what you’ve learned to step
forward. Everything you’ve experienced has given
you the upper hand for dealing with everything you
have yet to experience. Realize this and set
yourself free.
5. You can’t change situations you don’t take
responsibility for.
Sigmund Freud once said, “Most people do not
really want freedom, because freedom involves
responsibility, and most people are frightened of
responsibility.” Don’t let this be you. When you
blame others for what you’re going through, you
deny responsibility – you surrender power over that
part of your life.
Make no mistake, in the end, the price of happiness
IS responsibility. As soon as you stop making
everyone and everything else responsible for your
happiness, the happier you’ll be. If you’re unhappy
now, it’s not someone else’s fault.
Ultimately, your happiness depends on your self-
reliance – your unshakable willingness to take
responsibility for your life from this moment
forward, regardless of who had a hand in making it
the way it is now. It’s about taking control of your
present circumstances, thinking for yourself, and
making a firm choice to choose differently. It’s
about being the hero of your life, not the victim.
6. The present is all you really have to deal with.
Life is not lived in some distant, imagined land of
someday where everything is perfect. It is lived
here and now, with the reality of the way things
are. Yes, by all means you can work toward an
idealized tomorrow. Yet to do so, you must
successfully deal with the world as it is today.
Sometimes we avoid experiencing exactly where we
are because we have developed a belief, based on
past experiences, that it is not where we should be
or want to be. But the truth is, where you are now
is exactly where you need to be to get to where
you want to go tomorrow. So appreciate where you
Your friends and family are too beautiful to ignore.
Take a moment to remember how fortunate you
are to be breathing. Take a look around, with your
eyes earnestly open to the possibilities before you.
Much of what you fear does not exist. Much of
what you love is closer than you realize. You are
just one brief thought away from understanding the
blessing that is your life.
Happiness is a mindset that can only be designed
into the present. It’s not a point in the future or a
moment from the past; yet sadly, this
misconception hurts the masses. So many young
people seem to think all their happiness awaits
them in the years ahead, while so many older
people believe their best moments are behind
them. Don’t be either of them. Don’t let the past
and the future steal your present. (Read The Power
of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment.)
7. There is always, always, always something to
be thankful for.
Life is better when you’re smiling. Being positive in
a negative situation is not naive; it’s a sign of
leadership and strength. You’re doing it right when
you have so much to cry and complain about, but
you prefer to smile and appreciate your life
What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things
you were thankful for today?
Think of all the beauty that remains around you,
see it and smile. Be thankful for all the small
things in your life, because when you put them all
together you will see just how significant they are.
At the end of the day, it’s not happiness that
makes us thankful, but thankfulness that makes us
8. Great things take time.
Instant results are rarely the best results. With
patience, you can greatly expand your potential. If
your desires were always fulfilled immediately, you
would have nothing to look forward to. You would
miss out on the joys of anticipation and progress.
Remember, patience is not about waiting; it’s the
ability to keep a good attitude while working hard
for what you believe in. It’s the willingness to stay
focused, confidently staking one small step at a
time, knowing that the way you move a mountain
is by moving one stone at a time. Every stone you
move, no matter how small, is progress.
Bottom line: You deserve more than mere instant
gratification. Value that arrives in an instant is
often gone in an instant. Value that takes time and
commitment to create often outlives its creator –
9. Other people cannot validate you.
When we’re struggling to achieve something
important, sometimes we look to others to validate
our progress. But the truth is, they can’t…
You are not in this world to live up to the
expectations of others, nor should you feel that
others are here to live up to yours. Pave your own
unique path. What success means to each of us is
totally different. Success is ultimately about
spending your life happily in your own way.
You don’t have to be flashy to be impressive. You
don’t have to be famous to be significant. You
don’t have to be a celebrity to be successful. You
don’t need to be validated by anyone else. You are
already valuable. You just need to believe in
yourself and what you wish to achieve.
You can be quietly humble and still be amazingly
effective. Just because people don’t fall at your
feet and worship you, doesn’t mean you are a
failure. Quiet success is just as sweet as loud,
flamboyant success, and usually far more real.
Success is how you define it, not what everyone
else says it must be for you. (Read The Gifts of
10. You are not alone.
In the midst of hard times, it’s easy to look around
and see a bunch of people who seem to be doing
just fine. But they’re not. We’re all struggling in
our own way. And if we could just be brave enough
to open up about it, and talk to each other, we’d
realize that we are not alone in feeling lost and
So many of us are fighting the same exact battle
alongside you. We are all in this together. So no
matter how embarrassed or pathetic you feel about
your own situation, know that there are others out
there experiencing the same emotions. When you
hear yourself say, “I am all alone,” it’s just your
worried mind trying to sell you a lie. There’s
always someone who can relate to you. Perhaps
you can’t immediately talk to them, but they are
out there.
If you’re feeling desperate right now, hear me: I
often feel and think and struggle much like you do.
I care about many of the things you care about,
just in my own way. And although some people do
not understand us, we understand each other. YOU
are not alone!
One of life’s greatest gifts is the fact that life is
difficult. Because in dealing with life’s difficulties,
we build invaluable strength. This strength enables
us to successfully fulfill our deepest, most
meaningful purposes. It is precisely because life is
difficult that we are able to make it great. It is
because life is difficult that we are able to rise
above the difficulties. We are able to make a
difference and we are able to truly matter.
So remember this…
When times are tough, you must be tougher. Don’t
pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to
endure a tough one that leads to greatness.

Friday 21 November 2014


Since this is considered “throwback Thursday” I
wanted to revisit some of my previous work as a
writer. I came across this piece which happens to
be one of my favorites. I wrote it in 2008 while
pursuing my doctorate in Christian Counseling.
Although it is considered a “throwback” or “retro”
piece, I believe many of the points are still relevant
today. I have revised and condensed it a bit but I
hope you enjoy it:
Maybe some of you are already questioning this
particular topic, but I want you to be informed
there are some spaces in our mind that are difficult
to explain. Do you agree? God works through many
avenues to reveal specific things about ourselves
and I found a very interesting concept found in one
of my clinical books on the topic of Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorders.
The concept is called “Ruminative Thoughts
Related to Unattainable Goals.” It states, “when an
“undesirable experience” blocks a goal, this goal
will then dominate the person’s thoughts content
until disengagement has taken places; thus,
rumination is considered to be motivationally
driven until individuals either satisfy a blocked or
frustrated goal or disengage themselves from this
In other words, to end ruminative thoughts one
must disengage from the thoughts or learn to
substitute them. Additionally, this statement
suggests after an individual experiences something
undesirable their minds will become dominated by
ruminative thoughts. For example, if you have
experienced some type of failure in your life, your
mind becomes motivationally driven to think of
ways to disengage from the failure (unattainable
goal) until you are satisfied.
Personally, when I read this it allowed me to think
about my unattainable goals and how I continued
to ruminate about certain situations when they
were unfulfilled. The word rumination means “to
think carefully and at length about something.” It
is also defined as “to regurgitate partially digested
food and chew it again.” I know it sounds a bit
crass, but did you know that cows digest their food
in this manner?
My Granny use to own a field of cows. I can
remember seeing them after a good graze. As they
consumed their food I wondered why they would
chew for (what it seemed like) days on the same
piece without even taking another chunk of grass! I
was amazed at their process of regurgitation.
In the same manner these cows regurgitated their
food, isn’t it strange that we could also be ‘cows
in our minds?’ Don’t we allow our thoughts to
ruminate over and over again about certain
undesirable situations? And how often are we
consumed with negative thoughts only to
regurgitate them over and over again? Somehow
we become fixated on the various reasons why our
plans failed or why our goals were unattained.
I know some of those ‘cow like’ thoughts I have
experienced were my attempts to think of ways I
could have done things better or how I could have
prevented it from happening. Then all the
statements flood in with the following: “If I…,” “I
should have….,” “Well, I would have…,” and not to
mention “I could have!”
On the other hand, I must remind you, sometimes
our “unattainable goals” are losses beyond our
control. Sometimes there is a shift in the job
market, we may lose loved ones, a friendship may
come to an end, or our dreams may die. Usually
during any loss we make attempts to “substitute” it
with something ‘supposedly’ better, when in
essence we are only attempting to fill a void.
Have you experienced that at some point in your
life? Trust me, I believe we all have experienced
the ‘bad food’ of life. I certainly have! Honestly, I
have experienced some things that were just hard
to digest, and in most cases even hard to swallow!
Additionally, our traumas or pains can cause our
minds to conform to the behaviors of our pains. It
can even cause us to damage others the way we
have been damaged if we are not careful.
Personally, I have fought hard to disengage myself
from negative thoughts and behaviors. I have tried
to disengage myself from them, substitute them,
block them, and frustrate them. Personally, I have
been frustrated! Can you relate?
Thank goodness there is hope! First, since we are
talking about cows let us reflect on the nature of
cows. They are earthly creatures who operate
through their worldly senses (feel, touch, see,
taste, and smell). They were created to graze,
produce milk, eat their food and regurgitate; this is
part of their process. However, we are NOT
animals, and we surely aren’t cows!
To help us overcome this we need a
transformation or mindset change. I’m sure we
understand everything begins in the mind. The
good news is God understands we will experience
this level of thinking, so He has provided us with
solutions for our negative rumination. Romans 12:2
states, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern
of this world, but be transformed by the renewing
of your mind. Then you will be able to test and
approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and
perfect will” (Romans 12:2).
The fight for a positive, productive mindset
everyday can be an arduous task. We are battling
with our old thought patterns, “undesirable
experiences,” and everyday life’s challenges. Here
are some ways to combat that:
Simply put, spend time with God. Spending time
with God in prayer (communication or talking to
God ) will give you clarity through those tough
experiences. God wants to give us peace when our
minds are going haywire. Just let Him know what
you need. He will be a refuge and help. Yes, trust
Him with your “cow-like mind.” (Read Psalm 46:1)
Meditate. Until we actually ‘renew our minds’ daily
then we can expect to continue to chew on the
negative cuds of life. We must find time to
meditate on what is true. (Read Philippians 4:8,
Psalm 1: 1-3)
Believe that ALL things will work out for your good.
Whether you’ve created your own negative “cow-
like” thought process due to bad decisions or have
experienced things beyond your control, trust and
know there is a reason for it. I believe there is
purpose for everything that happens in our lives. I
know everyone will not think the same as I do, but
this has definitely helped me when I felt like a true
“cow in my mind.” (Read 8:28).
Remember, whatever has happened in your life,
instead of reaching for the grass like cows which
can be considered an earthly desire to fulfill the
voids, I encourage you to find strength to 'graze'
on the power of God. Psalm 62:2 reads, “He ALONE
is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I
will never be shaken” (Ps 62:2). I love this
scripture because when I have sought to
‘substitute’ or fill my voids it has always failed
leading me to disappointment or frustration.
However, if we can learn to trust God ALONE (and
nothing else needed) for inward stability and a
major mind renewal, we are able to do away with
the crass “cuds” of life. This provides us with
space in our minds to embark upon a new way of
thinking and ultimately experiencing a New you!
From a dear friend Bruce a life coach

Friday 7 November 2014


Where are you in your WALK in life? Whether you
are pursuing a business venture, desiring to
reconcile a relationship, wanting to go back to
school, or desiring to move forward emotionally
from a loss I can tell you that in whatever your
pursuits may be, FALLING IS GUARANTEED! Falling
is a part of life. No matter how much we try to
dodge it, it is in fact, inevitable. What makes the
difference is how we choose to handle the fall.
Proverbs 24:16 reads, “For a just man falleth seven
times, and riseth up again…” (KJV). This passage
of scripture is the inspiration you need to pull
yourself up even if you have to hold onto to
something or someone to get your footing and
maintain your balance to take that step again.
Here are some "MINDSET" principles to help you
with your fall:
1. Your mindset will determine your rise. The
scripture doesn’t even require you to rise again
“enthusiastically,” but I can tell you now that
whatever your mindset is when you get up will
determine how you plan to proceed ahead.
2. Your mindset will also determine how you will
view your previous fall(s) and how to avoid falling
for the same reason(s) again. You may fall for the
very same reason over and over again, but one day
you will get it right because you will become
frustrated with that particular cycle of failure. That
is great news! Come to the “End of yourself” and
let change take place.
3. Whatever you choose to believe, so be it!
Proverbs 23:7 reads, “For as he thinks in his heart,
so is he” (NKJV). If you have the mindset of a
failure, then you are a failure! Its okay to work
through the process of falling because it does not
feel good, but our failures do not have to
determine the rest of our lives.
4. Someone is cheering you on! This can encourage
us and strengthen our mindset to continue moving
forward. If you feel you don't have anyone cheering
you on, I AM! You can do this! More importantly,
God has your back and will continue to give you
what you need to stand up even better and
greater! So "Yaay" to you! (Read Philippians 4:13,
Romans 8:37)
Falling is merely an opportunity to reach our
ultimate goal.

Thursday 6 November 2014

vulnerability= hurt

Isn’t that what we see in our minds when we think of vulnerability? Trust me you’re talking to an expert that knows too much about that combination. I do mean experiential not just expert knowledge. I cannot tell you how fearful I have been to let down my guard many times. I’m sure I’ve missed out on potentially great friendships or business relationships, simply because I wouldn’t let anyone in. Something had to change within me. Can you relate?

How often do we desire the need to find just that ONE somebody who we can confide or trust in? We desire it often and truth is we need it often. However, when trusting the “wrong” person to share our deepest pains or secrets goes awry, we are left with the emotional bruising that no one can see unless we roll up our emotional sleeves to see the dark marks the experience has left on us. Here are 4 principles we can do to assure that we trust the right people to handle the very treasures of our being:

1. Pray- Ask God to show you who you can and cannot trust. You know that “feeling” you get when you get around certain people? That’s called discernment. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to discern what or who is true or not. He will lead us into ALL truth. Discern if that person is truly a person of character. Do they talk to you about other people ALL the time? Hmm. Chances are when you’re not around; your name will roll right off their tongue as well. (Read John 16:13)

2. Ask God to Heal Your Heart- In order for us to experience trust again, we need to make sure we have healed from our past experience. You can’t allow anything “new” in your life if your “old” hurts still exist. God is a healer and will continue His healing work in your life to make those emotional bruises disappear. Continue to cast your cares and pains onto Him. (Read Luke 5:37 & 1 Peter 5:7)

3. Find a TRUSTING Person You Can Talk To- As a counselor and life coach I’m obligated to the confidentiality of my clients. Divulging any of their personal information could mean a dissolution to my career and my name. Again, pray and ask God to reveal to you who you can trust, even if it’s not a professional relationship. Trust me; God knows WHO we need and WHAT we need to hear from a SPECIFIC person. Why? It’s because your situation is special and unique, so “not just anybody will do.” Someone specific will be sent your way. Just ask! (Read Luke 11:9)

4. See Vulnerability as Something Beautiful- I know how difficult this can be, especially for women. We openly express our emotions and we need someone to understand and be patient with how we were created. We can equate vulnerability to “weakness” when in actuality it’s your strength. It is what makes you feminine, beautiful, and graceful. However, vulnerability is not just designated for women. Men need it just as much. Strong men need to find that person they can also be vulnerable with as well. It is replenishing and strengthens him every day to tackle the wars of his daily life. In conclusion, we can perceive vulnerability as something beautiful when we can learn how to trust God. (Read Psalm 62:8)

By applying these few practical principles in your life I promise it can make all the difference in the world. Just remember it is a PROCESS and your perception of vulnerability may not be something that can easily be changed overnight, but if you’re ready to Discover a #NewU you will begin to see the change in your mind that looks like this:


Wednesday 15 October 2014

Stay focused

Stop looking at what went wrong
and # praise God for what went
right in your life!
Many people will walk in and out
of your life, but only true friends
will leave footprints in your heart”
Faith sees the invisible, believes
the unbelievable, and receives the
Great thoughts speak only to the
thoughtful mind, but great
actions speak to all Mankind.
Some people don't want to swim they just want to feel water on their toes,don't get stuck in shallow waters. Don't let what is meant to be a river be a swamp.

Monday 1 September 2014

Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the opposition he has encountered,and the courage with which he has maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.Security is mostly a superstition.It does not exist in nature.
Every worthwhile accomplishments has a price tag attached to it.The question is always whether you are willing to pay the price to attain it in hard work,sacrifice,patience,faith and endurance

Monday 18 August 2014

People who have given up are ruled by their darkest mistakes,worst failures,and deepest regrets.If you want to be successful,then be governed by your finest thoughts,your highest enthusiasm,your greatest optimism,and your most triumphant experiences.
The closest to you will stretch your vision or choke your dreams,who you are is a reflection of who you surround yourself with,the determine how far you can go or how stagnant you can remain in same place.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

The bible must become the authoritative standard for your life:the compass you rely on for direction,the counsel you listen to for making wise decisions,and the benchmark you use for evaluating everything.The bible must always have the first and last word in your life

Saturday 9 August 2014

Not realizing what you want is a problem of knowledge.
Not pursuing what you want is a problem of motivation.
Not achieving what you want want is a problem of persistence
                                                                                  John Maxwell

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Love leaves a legacy.How you treat you treat other people not your wealth or accomplishments,is the most enduring impact you can leave on earth.As mother Teresa said,its not what you do,but how much love you put into it that matters.Love is the secret of a lasting heritage.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Its easy to get distracted,because satan would rather have you do anything besides sharing your faith

Service starts in your mind

To be a servant requires a mental shift,a change in your attitude.
God is always more interested in why we do something than in what we do.Attitude count more than achievements
The consequences of your mission will last forever;the consequences of your job will not.Nothing else you do will ever matter as much as helping people establish an eternal relationship with God
The best use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts it

Monday 28 July 2014


God wired us  for relationships each and everyone of us desires to be loved, appreciated and valued. There is nothing wrong  with our desires to be accepted, appreciated, and approved by others without the affirmation of others we never fully blossom into our full potential, we need each other know our weaknesses and strengths, someone to encourage, cheer us on and to believe in us. Encouragement is absolutely essential to your health and development. In all we do our aim should be to Please God and not people just as bill Cosby  once said “I do not know the key to success but I do know the way to fail is to try and please everyone. When you value anyone’s opinions more than God’s, you give that  person power and authority that only belongs to  God
Its fine to be sweet and  loving towards others but do not let it turn you into peoples puppet, be a pleaser of God obey his commandments, follow his teachings and love each other, the bible warns us not to let the fear of of disapproval keep us from doing what we know God wants us to do. If you feel God has called you to preach go for it be a minister of the gospel,  preach till you drop, its something you do with passion but don’t fold up in a corner just because a single soul whispered in your ears that you cant be a preacher, Never allow anyone else to stand in the way of your relationship with Christ, people pleasing is an emotional handicap. It immobilizes your potential proverbs 29:25 says “The fear of human opinion disables” of course, any fear will hinder your spiritual growth, but worrying about what others think is especially disabling. When opinions of others loom large in your life, Gods role in your life is reduced.  But when God’s approval matters most to you, The views of others lose their grip on your life. Until you break free from the fear of  disapproval, God will can’t use you the way he wants to.


People who achieve daily success have learned to conquer four common  time-wasters

 Laziness-Time put to no useful purpose,not even relaxation
Procrastination-putting off things that should be done now
Distraction-time frittered away on the details of the side issues,to the detriment  of the main issues.
Impatience- lack of preparation,thoroughness,or perseverance,usually resulting in time-consuming mistakes

success is a little like wrestling a gorilla.You don't quit when you're tired,you quit when the gorilla is tired

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Make an effort

Failure is really a matter of conceit.
People don't work hard because,in their conceit,they imagine they'll succeed without ever making an effort.Most people believe that they'll wake up some day and find themselves rich.Actually.they've got it half right,because eventually they do wake up and realize that it takes folding of ones sleeves and working extra mile to achieve that dream.Nothing comes easy in life and this world is survival for the fittest,get moving with something no matter how little its,in the long run it will sum up to something you never imagined a beautiful flower and a nice smell
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work
The greatest reward for your work is not what you get for it,but what you become by it

The hot poker principle

If you place a poker near the heat of a fire,it becomes hot.To succeed,follow the hot poker principle.
.Be around great men and women,and learn from their experiences.
.Visit great places.
.Attend great events
Read great books

Tuesday 22 July 2014

By perseverance the snail reached the ark


Every leader's potential is determined by the people closest to him or her.If those people are strong,then the leader can make a huge impact.If they are weak,the leader can accomplish very little.
As you consider your journey toward ever-greater leadership,you'll need good companions.Your inner circle will make you or break you


When you accomplish your goals,take a moment to celebrate with the people  who helped you win


Creative people stretch your mind,challenge your direction.increase your vision,and multiply your gifts


On the days when you're too weary to fight you own battles,having someone who will step into the ring for you is a real blessing.


No matter how good you are,you will always miss some details when making decisions.partner with people who will see what you don't

Thursday 17 July 2014

Life is like riding in a taxi.Whether you are going anywhere or not,the meter keeps ticking


If you want happiness for an hour take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime help others.

The more positive the environment,the more rapid your growth is able to be.A life of continual growth is never easy,but a good environment makes the swim up stream a little less difficult

No matter what the circumstances,our greatest limitations isn't the leader above us it's the spirit within us

Monday 14 July 2014

He who is afraid of doing too much always does too little
Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things,and i'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things
You'll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind


Everybody  can be great,because anybody can serve.
You dont have to have a college degree to serve.
You don not have to make your subject and verb agree to serve
You only need a heart full of grace.
A soul generated by love.

Saturday 12 July 2014

# PracticeExcellency !
Excellence is an art won by
training and habituation. We do
not act rightly because we have
virtue or excellence, but we rather
have those because we have acted
rightly. We are what we
repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is
not an act but a habit.
Have a blessed
weekend ahead of you!

Wednesday 9 July 2014


Give God the first part of every day
Give God the first day of every week
Give God the first portion of your income
Give God the first consideration in every decision.
Give God the first place in your life
Until you value yourself,
You won't value your time
Until you value your time.
You will not do anything with it.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Far better it is to dare mighty things,to win glorious triumphs,even though checkered with failure,than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat

Monday 7 July 2014

Refuse to be identified by the same situation,do small changes and transform your life,your situation should not identify you but you can give your situation a name called victory

Sunday 6 July 2014

Think of the pursuit of your dreams as being like a major athletic event.Train for it.As you prepare you will get stronger  mentally,emotionally and physically.To successfully achieve your dream,you need to keep improving.the best way to do this is to....
Keep your body fit
Keep your heart flexible
Keep your mind open
keep your comfort zone expanding
All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action
You will be as small as your controlling desire,as great as your dominant aspiration

Hope Of Dawn

Welcome to hope of Dawn blogsite!
this is the one stop place for inspiration,love and laughter!
Keep hope alive